How to type a circle over letters in wow
How to type a circle over letters in wow

However, there is no guarantee that two players who would like to interact will be put into the same battleground game. Other than that, the only way for people on different servers to meet is through the cross-realm PVP battlegrounds, where characters from servers in the same battlegroup can meet.

how to type a circle over letters in wow

That is to say, if Alice was moved, she cannot be moved again for three days, but your second character (" alt"), Bob, can. The character will be unplayable while the transfer occurs, and a character can only be moved once every month. For a fee, you may move one character to another server. There is, however, the possibility of paid transfers. You are allowed limited access to other servers. swapping gear, money, supplies or mailing items to each other, etc. You can create characters on different servers if you like, but then they cannot support each other by e.g. With each character your create, you can only interact fully with people on the same server (realm) and faction (Horde vs Alliance) as your character. There are a few things to keep in mind when you pick a server to play on. See Newbie Guide for links to section pages. 29 Tips for Grouping with Other Players.


  • 28 Tips for New Players (or how to make sure you don't end up on everyone's /ignore list).
  • 25.3 Death and Resurrection in Instances.
  • 25.2 A place for you and your group only.
  • 20.2 Blasted Lands and Hellfire Peninsula portals.
  • 1.6 What Kind of Experience Are You Looking For?.
  • 1.5 What is the Horde/Alliance Breakdown?.
  • 1.3 Which Language Do You Prefer to Speak In?.

  • How to type a circle over letters in wow